July 3rd: IDEA Unveiled: Exploring the Four Core Components of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
This training aims to unpack the complexities and operational components of IDEA, ensuring that all children with disabilities receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) possible.
July 17th: (IFSP) Starting Strong: Unpacking Part C Services
This training offers detailed insights into the early intervention services available under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). You will gain an understanding of what services are available and learn the steps to access these resources effectively.
July 31st: Unlocking the Potential: A Guide to Interpreting IEP Data for Student Success
Building Blocks to the IEP, BIP, and Assistive Technology Evaluation data drive IEP goals, which drive services and supports. Building foundational knowledge of data reporting methods used in educational evaluation results, this interactive discussion will prepare parents to participate in discussions regarding interventions and supports, including Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) and Assistive Technology.
August 14th: Navigating 504: Rights and Responsibilities
This training aims to clarify the rights and responsibilities under Section 504 to ensure that students with disabilities receive equal access to education and school activities. Through a blend of informative content, practical exercises, and discussions, participants will become adept at navigating the complexities of Section 504, from eligibility and evaluation to the development and implementation of 504 plans.
August 28th: 11am-12pm PT: Student-Led IEP Meetings: Empowering Self-Advocacy and Ownership.
This training emphasizes the importance of involving students in their own IEP meetings, aiming to empower them with self-advocacy skills and a sense of ownership over their educational journey. This training not only strengthens the students’ voice in their education but also fosters a collaborative environment where students, educators, and families work together to set achievable goals and create a more inclusive and supportive educational experience.