What are Procedural Safeguards?

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires schools to provide the parents/guardians of a student who is eligible for or referred for special education with a notice containing a full explanation of the rights available to them.

School districts must provide parents a copy of the Procedural Safeguards:

  • At least once every school year.
  • In the parents native language.
  • When you or others, including the district, request that your student be evaluated to determine eligibility for special education services. This process is called a referral.
  • The first time you file a citizen complaint in a school year.
  • The first time you request a due process hearing in a school year.
  • When a decision is made to remove a student for more than ten school days in a year as part of a disciplinary action, and that removal constitutes a change of placement.
  • Upon request.

This may include information on State or Federal laws regarding the rights of individuals with disabilities. While this is provided to inform or make one aware of these rights, legal definitions, or laws/regulations, it is not providing legal representation or legal advice. The participant understands that this is information to educate them not to provide them with legal representation