Many individuals and families call with questions and concerns about how to apply to be a client or to receive services from Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). DDA continues to improve the process to determine eligibility. We bring you this step-by-step video in partnership with the Family to Family Health Information Center (F2FHIC) for WA. It will walk you through the application and how to access it online. It will also show you how to find your local office and how to request a DDA eligibility packet is mailed to you. Plus valuable resources for further assistance.
There are great videos about this and a step by step flow chart about the process at Informing Families
If you want 1:1 assistance with DDA eligibility we encourage you to contact:
Your local Arc support
ARC Parent Coalition
In Pierce county we work closely with our partners at Pierce County Coalition for Developmental Disabilities (PC2) to support families with the DDA process or call at 253- 564-0707