Workshops and Webinars 

Join us for a variety of learning experiences designed specifically for military families. Explore our multi-day virtual workshops, two-day in-person events, and 90-minute webinars on a wide range of topics. Our mission is to empower military families by building stronger connections and expanding knowledge. Topics include Parents’ Rights and Responsibilities in Education (IDEA, IFSP, IEP, IEP Teams, and 504), Advocacy, TRICARE/ECHO/ABA, PCS Tips, and Transition Planning for Post-Secondary Education, Employment, and Independent Living.

All STOMP instructors are military affiliated with EFMP family members!

STOMP workshops and webinars are open to all military connected families! You do not need to be on active duty or located/stationed at the installation that is hosting.

2024- 2025 STOMP Live Virtual Workshops:

Please note, you do not have to be located/ stationed at hosting installation to attend. Simply click on the installation and register.

Installation Hosting Workshop
Click on installation to register.
Dates and Times
All dates are subject to change. Click on the time convert to your local time zone.
JB-Lewis McChord
Workshops based on Pacific Time
9:30 am – 11:30 am PT
February 4: TRICARE, ECHO, ABA & Medicaid (Secondary dependency)
February 6: Financial Planning for the Future
February 11: Effective Communication
February 13: Sound the Cadence: Raising Voices in Advocacy
Fort Jackson
Workshops based on Eastern Standard Time
10:00 am – 12:00 pm ET
February 5: Pathways to Military Medical & Medicaid Benefits for Exceptional Families
February 12: Demystifying Key Components of an IEP
February 19: Dispute Resolution: Orders and Chain of Command for Resolving Conflicts
February 26: Sound the Cadence: Raising Voices in Advocacy
Fort Moore
Workshops based on Eastern Standard Time
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET
March 3: The Great IDEA of Education Services: Parents Rights in Four Parts
March 10: Demystifying Key Components of an IEP (SMART GOALS)
March 17: Accommodations Across the Lifespan: Section 504 Plans
March 24: Pathways to Military Medical & Medicaid Benefits for Exceptional Families
Redstone Arsenal
Workshops based on Central Standard Time
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm CT
March 5: The Great IDEA of Education Services: Parents Rights in Four Parts
March 12: Demystifying Key Components of an IEP (SMART GOALS)
March 19: Pathways to Military Medical & Medicaid Benefits for Exceptional Families
March 26: Financial “Dependent” Planning for a Child’s Financial Stability
Fort Knox
Workshops based on Eastern Standard Time
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm ET
April 21: Accommodations Across the Lifespan: Transition Plans are Part of the IEP
April 23: Pathways to Military Medical & Medicaid Benefits for Exceptional Families
9:30 am – 11:30 am ET
April 22: Effective Communication
April 24: Financial “Dependent” Planning for a Child’s Financial Stability
JB Henderson Hall
Workshops based on Eastern Standard Time
10:00 am – 12:00 pm ET
April 14: The Great IDEA of Education Services: Parents Rights in Four Parts
April 15: Demystifying Key Components of an IEP (SMART GOALS)
April 16: Financial “Dependent” Planning for a Child’s Financial Stability
April 17: Dispute Resolution: Orders and Chain of Command for Resolving Conflicts
Fort Bliss
Workshops based on Mountain Standard Time
10:00 am – 12:00 pm MT
May 7: Demystifying Key Components of an IEP (SMART GOALS)
May 14: Writing SMART Goals: Developing a User-Friendly IEP Anyone Could Follow
May 21: Dispute Resolution: Orders and Chain of Command for Resolving Conflicts
May 28: Pathways to Military Medical & Medicaid Benefits for Exceptional Families

STOMP Workshop Topic Descriptions:

Sound the Cadence: Raising Voices in Advocacy
Advocacy requires knowing your rights, the decision-makers, and those who will partner with you in your efforts.  This discussion will identify the importance of advocacy, how to effectively advocate across settings, those who will add their voices to your efforts, and the key role of self-care for advocates.
Dispute Resolution: Orders and Chain of Command for Resolving Conflicts
Much like military orders and chain of command, the dispute resolution process includes regulations and instructions.  In this discussion we will identify the options for dispute resolution, from the least to the most adversarial. 
Effective Communication:
In depth session on effective communication to include the emotions to advocacy, military approach vs civilian approach and how they translate. Communicating military challenges to civilian program appropriately.
Financial “Dependent” Planning for a Childs Financial Stability
We will explore options to plan for your dependents financial future and stability through nationwide programs and tools, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Military Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), the ABLE Act, and Special Needs Trusts.
The Great IDEA of Education Services: Parents Rights in Four Parts
1. Understanding IDEA, Overview of IFSPs, IEPs, & Special Factors: This session will include components such as IFSPs (Individualized Family Service Plans), IEPs (Individualized Education Programs), and other special factors. Gain insights into creating effective plans, addressing unique needs, and ensuring compliance with IDEA regulations.
2. Decoding the Data: Building Blocks to the IEP, BIP, and Assistive Technology Evaluation data drive IEP goals, which drive services and supports.  Building foundational knowledge of data reporting methods used in educational evaluation results, this interactive discussion will prepare parents to participate in discussions regarding interventions and supports, including Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) and Assistive Technology.
Student-Led IEPs: Developing and Supporting Self-Advocacy
Exploring levels of student-participation in the IEP process as a means of developing self-advocacy skills.  This detailed discussion will include participation options by developmental ability, resources, and best practices for developing student self-advocacy, and tools for parent engagement and participation in student-led IEPs.
Pathways to Military Medical & Medicaid Benefits for Exceptional Families
Charting the steps for accessing TRICARE, Extended Care Health Option (ECHO), and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) benefits.  This discussion will include how, why, and where to apply for Secondary Dependency and Medicaid.
Components of and IEP
1. Demystifying Key Components of an IEP
In this interactive discussion, we will identify and map out IDEA-required elements of an IEP.  Using examples, participants will learn best practices for developing an IEP and monitoring progress, including best practices and an introduction to SMART goals.
2. Writing SMART Goals: Developing a User-Friendly IEP Anyone Could Follow
Interactive discussion and application of SMART goal concepts, including collaborative writing and analyzing examples of SMART goals for primary school, middle school, and high school.
Accommodations Across the Lifespan
1. Section 504 Plans:
We will discuss what is a 504 plan, the accommodations and supports and how does it apply to post-secondary education and employment.
2. Transition Plans are part of the IEP:
 Transition plans are required for all students with an IEP by age 16. We will explore what a transition plan can look like with goals for post-secondary education, employment, and independent living.

STOMP Lunch Hour Lift – Essential Knowledge for Navigating Systems

Each webinar is 90 minutes. Webinars are accessible to participants in all time zones and will be recorded for later viewing on demand. Registered attendees can access the recordings for up to two weeks following the scheduled webinar.

Time: 11am PT/ 12pm MT/ 1pm CT/ 2pm ET

All dates are subject to change.
November 14: TRICARE’s Big Three: Basic Plans, ECHO, and ABA
December 12: The S.M.A.R.T in IEP
January 9: Unlocking 504
February 20: Accessing Assistive Technology Solutions
March 13: I’m the “I” in IEP
April 10: Financially Dependent
May 8: Don’t Stress the PCS

Other links for the STOMP Program: