The Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is an essential tool designed to support infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities. This guide provides a structured overview of each step in the companion worksheet, breaking down the IFSP process and essential actions family caregivers should take.
Brief Overview
- Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures the right to early intervention services for infants and toddlers (birth to age three) with developmental delays or disabilities.
- Washington’s Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) administers early intervention services to eligible children in the state through Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT).
- The Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is a comprehensive, whole family plan to provide tailored services and supports.
- Parents and family caregivers play a crucial role in the IFSP process and have the right to be fully involved.
- PAVE provides a fillable Getting to Know the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) Checklist for download in multiple languages.
Download the Getting to Know the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) Checklist
Download the Getting to Know the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) Checklist (Spanish)
Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) protects the rights of infants and toddlers with disabilities, from birth to age three, who qualify for early intervention services. In Washington, the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) administers services for eligible children through Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT). Children who qualify receive services through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
An IFSP is a comprehensive plan designed to support infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities. It outlines the child’s current levels of development, sets specific goals, and details the services and supports needed to achieve these goals. The IFSP also includes information about the child’s family and their resources, priorities, and concerns, ensuring that the plan is tailored to the family’s unique situation. Additionally, it specifies the frequency, intensity, and method of the services to be provided, along with the professionals responsible for delivering them. The plan is reviewed every six months and is updated at least once a year but can be reviewed at any time by request of parents or other team members. The review process involves discussing:
- Progress toward existing goals
- Whether services should continue, increase, or decrease
- Any new concerns that need to be addressed
Step 1: Read the IFSP draft before the IFSP meeting
Ask for a copy of the IFSP draft in advance of the meeting. Getting the draft before the meeting gives you time to read through it and understand what is being proposed. If you prepare and know what will be discussed, you will feel more confident and involved in the planning process. This will also help you give better feedback during the meeting.
Review the document carefully to ensure all necessary information is included. Take your time to go through each section of the IFSP draft. Make sure that the details about your child and their needs are correct and clearly stated. Look for any missing information or areas that need more explanation.
Understanding the IFSP is crucial for making informed decisions about your child’s care. Under state and federal law, parents have the right to information about their child’s education in a language they can understand. If English is not your first language, ask for a translation so you can fully understand the document. This ensures that you can participate effectively in the meeting and advocate for your child’s needs.
Step 2: Review your child’s present levels and needs.
After a child is evaluated, data are compared against typically developing children of the same age. If scores show a 25 percent delay overall or if the score in one developmental area is statistically 1.5 standard deviations below typical peers, then the child is eligible for an IFSP. Your child’s present level of development will include a developmental level, including the percentage of delay, for each of the developmental areas evaluated.
ESIT uses standardized tools and observations to evaluate a child’s development in five areas: physical, cognitive, social-emotional, communication, and adaptive. Physical skills include fine motor and gross motor development, including movement and coordination. Cognitive skills involve thinking and learning. Social-emotional skills are about interacting with others and managing emotions. Communication skills cover understanding language (receptive) and using language (expressive). Adaptive skills are daily living activities like dressing and eating. Your child may also be evaluated for vision and hearing development. Assessing these areas gives a complete picture of your child’s development and helps guide the support they need.
Carefully read the summary of your child’s functional performance to identify their social-emotional, communication, and behavioral strengths. By knowing their strengths, you can build on them to help your child grow. This means identifying areas where your child excels and using these strengths as a foundation for further development. For example, if your child has strong fine motor skills, you can incorporate activities that involve drawing, building with blocks, or holding eating utensils. Recognizing and leveraging strengths can boost your child’s confidence and motivation, making learning more enjoyable. It also helps create a more balanced and positive approach to their development, focusing not only on areas of need but also on celebrating and expanding their abilities.
Understanding your child’s weaknesses will allow you to focus on areas that need improvement. Based on the evaluation data, the IFSP will identify what specific supports and services your child requires. These needs might include therapies, special education, or other interventions. For example, if your child has cognitive delays, the plan might include early intervention services that focus on developing problem-solving and learning skills. This could involve activities like puzzles, matching games, or simple counting exercises that help your child improve their cognitive abilities.
Step 3: Read the family priorities and concerns for accuracy.
The IFSP is a whole family plan, with the child’s primary caregivers as major contributors to its development and implementation. Carefully read the sections that refer to family priorities and concerns. Write down anything you would like to add or change.
The IFSP includes goals, and progress is monitored to determine whether the plan is supporting appropriate outcomes. The plan is reviewed every six months and is updated at least once a year but can be reviewed at any time by the request of parents or other team members.
As you think of additional concerns and priorities, make note of them to discuss at the IFSP meeting. Every six months, or whenever necessary, the IFSP can be adjusted to reflect new developments, emerging needs, or changes in family priorities. Urgent or time-sensitive issues do not have to wait until the six-month review. Family caregivers can request a meeting to discuss their concerns or update the IFSP at any time.
Step 4: Review any recommended resources.
Explore the community resources and supports listed by the Family Resource Coordinator (FRC). Some may require additional application processes and paperwork. Begin by identifying which resources are most important and the starting point to connect with their services or information. Plan to work through each step and make note of those resources that you want to explore further.
Step 5: Consider the major results/outcomes expected of your child.
The IFSP outlines specific outcomes, or goals, based on the child’s present levels of development. Review the outcomes outlined for your child’s development. The outcomes should be practical and fit into daily routines, and they should be written so the IFSP team can measure progress.
Some skills require gradual learning. If a goal seems too broad or complex, breaking it into smaller, manageable steps (or “chunking”) can make it easier for the child to achieve success. For example, if the goal is for a child to use a spoon independently, the steps might include:
- Holding the spoon correctly
- Scooping food with assistance
- Practicing controlled movements to the mouth
- Eating independently with minimal spills
Write down your concerns and observations about specific outcomes to discuss with the IFSP team. If a goal is too ambitious or not challenging enough, adjustments can be made to better fit your child’s pace of development.
Step 6: Identify the services, including frequency and duration.
Early intervention services are designed to meet the child’s individual needs. Locate your child’s services, the frequency and duration, and the outcomes related to each service. Review the types of services your child will receive, such as speech therapy or occupational therapy, and whether they will be provided individually or as part of a group.
Step 7: Review the location(s) of service delivery.
Services are typically provided in the child’s home or other natural environment, where everyday learning opportunities occur, such as their home or daycare. They also can be offered in a medical hospital, a clinic, a school, or another community space. Any services provided outside the child’s natural environment require a statement explaining the rationale for the placement, including why an outcome cannot be achieved in a natural environment and a plan to move the service or support into the natural environment.
Review the location(s) where your child will receive their services and note any concerns you have, including issues with accessibility, transportation, and distance from their natural environment.
Step 8: Identify the source of funding or payment for services.
Washington State provides most early intervention services at no cost to families of eligible children. Some services covered by insurance are billed to a child’s health insurance provider, with the signed consent of a family caregiver. The early intervention system may not use health care insurance (private or public) without express, written consent. The IFSP will include any payment arrangements for services that are not covered by Part C.
Part C of the IDEA requires states to provide the following services at no cost to families: Child Find (outreach and evaluation), assessments, IFSP development and review, and service coordination.
Step 9: Save your FRC’s information.
The FRC is your main contact for your child’s early intervention services. The IFSP lists the FRC’s name and contact information. If you have any concerns or disagree with any part of the process, you can reach out to your FRC at any time for help and guidance with accessing services. While your child is receiving early intervention services, communicate any updates or additional support needs to your FRC.
Final Thoughts
As a parent or caregiver, you have the right to be fully involved in your child’s early intervention journey. Following these steps ensures that families are well-prepared to navigate the IFSP process. Understanding the IFSP process gives you the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions, ensuring your child receives the best possible support for their development. By staying informed, actively engaging with the IFSP team, and advocating for their child’s needs, families can help create an effective and supportive early intervention plan for their child’s development.
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