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What’s Next?
High School Transition Planning
Mapping the Future
Check these milestones to ensure high school paves a pathway for young adult success and achievement!
Ages 13-14
Student begins High School and Beyond Plan in Middle School—a WA State requirement for all students.
Ages 15-16
IEP includes a Transition Plan, aligned with High School and Beyond Plan. Student is a member of the IEP team, which plans a pathway toward a diploma and target graduation date.
Age 16
Get state identification card. Consider Pre-Employment Transition Services from DVR/DSB or School-to-Work planning with DDA.
Ages 17-18
Coursework, IEP, High School and Beyond Plan, DDA/DVR all support student’s life goals and progress toward a diploma.
Age 18
Register to vote! Participate in Commencement and senior year activities, regardless of when diploma is earned.
Ages 18-19
Student may continue education in a high school transition program.
Ages 20-21
Student earns a diploma. May apply for individualized employment support from DVR/TVR/DSB or DDA.
DVR: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
TVR: Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation
DSB: Department of Services for the Blind
DDA: Developmental Disabilities Administration
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Need more information? Consider reading the article School to Adulthood: Transition Planning Toolkit for High School, Life, and Work