Placement: Deciding Where a Student Spends the School Day

Where and when a student goes to school is called the placement. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) describes how much time a student spends in different settings. It also includes a statement about how much time the student spends with non-disabled students. The IEP Team, including the parent, makes decisions about placement after talking about Read More

Get Ready for School with IEP Essentials

A Brief Overview Each student has abilities and skills. A thoughtful Individualized Education Program (IEP) can highlight abilities and provides the supports needed for the student to learn. This article will help parents understand how to participate in the IEP process. Every part of the IEP is measured against this question: How does this help Read More

Suspension Know your Rights

A Dear Colleague Letter The US Department of Education (DOE), in an effort to keep families and educators informed, has produced a number of Dear Colleague Letters on topics of concern. Among these are two addressing issues around discipline, suspension/expulsion, and the use of School Resource Officers (SRO’s). These are critical topics of concern considering the Read More

Stress and Children Ages 0-3

“The perception of stress varies from child to child; serious threats may not disturb one child, while minor ones may be traumatic to another” (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2015). Parents can’t know how stress will affect their child.  Just like adults experiencing something new, the effect of stress is different for each toddler or infant. Read More

My child has behavior problems in school. What should I do?

When the behavior of a student with an IEP gets in the way of his or her learning or that of others, the IEP team must develop behavior goals or a behavior plan. Behavior plans are not punitive. They are positive plans describing how the school will support positive behavior through instruction or changing the Read More