Social Emotional Learning, Part 1: The Importance of Compassionate Schools

A Brief Overview: The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) provides a training program for school staff focused on Social-Emotional Learning. The SEL Online Education Modules are designed for educators, administrators, school staff, others professionals, and parents. Moments of trouble can provide insight about unmet needs. Meeting those moments with compassion helps children learn Read More

Families and Youth Have a Voice on Mental Health Matters Through FYSPRT

A Brief Overview FYSPRT (pronounced fiss-burt) is a hard acronym to learn, but it’s worth the effort for families and young people who want to talk about improving mental healthcare systems. Here’s what FYSPRT means: Family members, Youth and System Partners (professionals) get together at a “Round Table” (meaning everyone has an equal voice) to Read More

Depression and the Autism Spectrum

It is a common misconception that people who have Asperger’s or Autism do not get depression. In fact this is more common than you think! Suicidal thoughts are ten times more likely in people with Asperger’s or in the Autism Spectrum.  Survey data was used on 256 men and 118 women who were diagnosed: 66% Read More

Positive Behavior Supports: Continuing the model at home and in the community

By: Dr. Vanessa Tucker, PhD., BCBA-D What is Positive Behavior Support? Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a special education initiative that informs school districts, schools and classrooms regarding prevention and intervention practices designed to teach and reinforce pro-social behaviors. Behavior supports, as we parents well know, do not end at the schoolhouse door. Interfering behaviors Read More