Sample Letter to Request an IEP Meeting

When a student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), their IEP team is required to meet and review the program at least every year. The annual review date is listed on the cover page of the IEP document. Family caregivers can request additional meetings, and this article includes a sample letter families can use to Read More

Steps to Read, Understand, and Develop an Initial IEP

A Brief Overview Full Article After a student is determined eligible for an Individualized Education Program (IEP), the process of building the IEP can feel intimidating. This article provides tips to help family members read through a draft IEP and prepare to participate on the IEP team that will finalize the program before services begin. Read More

Steps to Read, Develop, and Understand an IEP Worksheet

The IEP document is a lot to absorb. You will be better prepared to support your child when you review the IEP draft before meeting with the IEP team for the first time. A child’s education is worth taking time to read for understanding. Subject Service Minutes What Related/Ancillary Services is your child eligible to Read More

Parents, Navigate Adapted Physical Education, IEPs, and 504 Plans

Overview Full article Physical Education (PE) is part of school for all students and may be particularly important for your student with a disability. What are the ways in which PE (general curriculum or Adapted PE) can improve their quality of life, now and into their adult years? This short list may give you ideas Read More

Youth, Explore Adapted Physical Education in Your IEP or 504 Plan

Overview Full article Why is physical education important? How is it helpful to me, as an individual with a disability? Classes can teach you to care for your body and learn physical, mental, and emotional skills that include: How Adapted PE works: Access or accessible means how easy it is to do, to get, or Read More

How to Request an Evaluation for an Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Use this step-by-step checklist to track your child’s progress through the evaluation process. Child Find is the requirement that all school districts must identify all children within their boundaries, ages birth through 21 who have disabilities. Any child can be brought to the attention of a school district by any person (parent, school personnel, or Read More

Who’s Who on the IEP Team

The IDEA requires that certain individuals be included in the IEP team, and their input is valuable in creating a plan that addresses the unique needs of the student. Here are the key members of the IEP team. The team works together to develop a comprehensive plan that addresses the unique needs of the student Read More

Requesting Accommodations in Post-Secondary Education

The following information is part of the college readiness workbook. You can download this and other parts of this workbook for your personal use. Each document is fillable. Post-secondary schools each set their own procedures and requirements to request accommodations. Here are some key points and tips on effective ways to request accommodations. Accessibility is Read More

Sample Letter to Request Evaluation

A Brief Overview Full Article When a student is struggling in school and there is reason to suspect the challenges are disability related, anyone can refer the student for an educational evaluation. If the evaluation shows that the student is eligible, services are provided through an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Washington State requires special education Read More

Sample Letter to Request a Functional Behavioral Assessment

When a student’s behavior gets in the way of their learning and/or the learning of others, the school is responsible to figure out how to support behavioral expectations. One way to do that is to assess why the student might be acting out and use that information to consider how positive behavioral interventions might teach Read More

Tips for Communicating as a Member of the IEP Team

A Brief Overview Full Article Whether on Zoom or around a conference table, sitting down with a team of professionals can feel intimidating to families. When a child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) is on the agenda, emotions can overtake a meeting. Getting defensive or angry does not usually help, however. This article provides tools for Read More

Quick Look: How to Prepare for a Virtual Meeting

Schools and families continue to meet virtually to discuss special education services during the closures related to the coronavirus pandemic. Here are tips to help family members prepare for remote meetings to discuss a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), a Section 504 Plan, evaluation for special education services or something else related to a special Read More

Get SMART About Tracking Progress and Updating Goals with Your IEP Team

Holiday break is a good time to check on your student’s progress in school. You can take another look at the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and compare the goals to current progress. If you don’t have a current progress reports on IEP goals, mid-year is a good time to ask school staff to provide them. Read More