Ensuring Safety and Inclusion: Adding an Emergency Action Plan to the IEP or 504 Plan 

Emergency Action Plans are crucial for ensuring the safety of students with disabilities during crises like earthquakes, fires, or active shooter events. These plans should be integrated into existing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans, which already provide accommodations for educational and behavioral needs.

Federal laws mandate that schools offer equitable emergency services to all students, including those with disabilities. Washington state law also requires comprehensive safe school plans that include provisions for students with special needs, regular safety drills, and collaboration with local emergency response agencies.

Brief Overview

  • An individualized Emergency Action Plan prepares students with disabilities for external emergencies.
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires schools to provide reasonable accommodations to ensure the safety and participation of students with disabilities, including during emergency procedures.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that schools consider the unique needs of students with disabilities when developing and implementing emergency response plans.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act mandates that schools provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities to ensure equal access to education, including safety procedures and emergency drills.
  • Washington State law requires that schools develop and implement comprehensive safe school plans that are inclusive of and accessible to students with special needs (RCW 28A.320.125).
  • Download the Emergency Action Plans handout to prepare for and share at an upcoming IEP or 504 plan meeting.


In Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 plan meetings, we often discuss accommodations, which can include placement, specially designed instruction, transportation, related services, and more. In some cases, a behavior intervention plan (BIP) accompanies the IEP or 504 plan. While reviewing these documents, we develop accommodations and responses for educational and behavioral purposes in various environments and situations. However, what sometimes gets overlooked is an Emergency Action Plan.

Emergency Action Plans allow us to prepare for external emergency situations and crises, such as earthquakes, fires, or even active shooter events. While these are high stress topics, we also want our families to be aware of real-world events so we can best prepare and protect our children.

We’ll start with a quick reminder of students’ rights and responsibilities, and Washington State Requirements for emergency planning.

Rights of Students with Disabilities

Federal law emphasizes the inclusion and equitable treatment of students with disabilities in school emergency management plans. These laws ensure that students with disabilities receive the same emergency services as their non-disabled peers and are considered during all stages of emergency management planning. This principle is supported by several federal laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination based on disability in all areas of public life, including schools. This means that schools must ensure their emergency plans are accessible to and inclusive of students with disabilities. The ADA requires schools to provide reasonable accommodations to ensure the safety and participation of students with disabilities, including during emergency procedures.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), is a federal law designed to ensure proper education for students with disabilities and guarantees a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students with disabilities. This includes the right to a safe and supportive learning environment, which extends to emergency situations. Schools must consider a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan when developing emergency procedures, ensuring that necessary accommodations and supports are integrated into the school’s overall plan.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, similar to the ADA, prohibits discrimination based on disability in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, including schools. This law mandates that schools provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities to ensure equal access to education, including safety procedures and emergency drills.

When referring to Emergency Action Plans or evacuation plans for special education students, Wrightslaw emphasizes that schools have a legal and ethical obligation to create individualized plans that cater to the specific needs of each student with a disability, ensuring that no child is left behind in an emergency situation. Individualized plans should consider physical, sensory, cognitive, and mobility impairments. The school should conduct practice drills, training to familiarize staff with individualized plans, and risk assessments to help identify any potential obstacles that could occur in an emergency situation.

Washington State Requirements for Emergency Planning

In addition to the requirements under federal law, Washington state law emphasizes the need to include planning for students with special needs or disabilities in the safe school plan, with provisions for assisting and communicating with staff and students (RCW 28A.320.125). Each school district is required to adopt and implement a comprehensive safe school plan that:

  1. Takes proactive measures to reduce the likelihood and severity of potential emergencies, referred to as emergency mitigation. This might include actions like strengthening school buildings to withstand natural disasters or implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Prepares for a wide range of emergencies. This includes developing and maintaining a detailed plan, conducting regular safety drills, and training staff and students on established crisis responses. Schools must also collaborate with local emergency response agencies and participate in joint exercises to test and improve their preparedness strategies.
  3. Outlines clear roles and responsibilities for staff and students, communication protocols, and procedures for coordinating with first responders. Emergency drills help to familiarize students and staff with the appropriate actions to take in different scenarios, minimizing confusion and promoting a swift, coordinated response.
  4. Addresses the actions taken to support the school community in the aftermath of an emergency and to restore normal school activities. This may include providing counseling and support services to students and staff, assessing and repairing damage to facilities, and communicating with parents and the community about the situation and recovery efforts.

When developing their comprehensive safe school plans, school districts must consider the guidance and resources provided by the state and regional school safety centers.

The law states, “Schools shall conduct at least one safety-related drill per month, including summer months when school is in session with students” (RCW 28A.320.125(5)(b)). It further specifies that these drills must teach students three basic functional responses, including:

  • Shelter-in-place: Used to protect students and staff from hazardous materials, like chemicals or radiation, by keeping them inside and away from the exposed outside environment.
  • Lockdown: Used to protect students and staff from threats of violence, such as intruders.
  • Evacuation: Used to move students and staff away from dangers, like fires, oil spills, or tsunamis.

These drills must be tailored to the specific threats and hazards most likely to impact the school. For example, schools in mapped lahar or tsunami hazard zones must conduct a pedestrian evacuation drill. Additionally, all schools must conduct an earthquake drill using the state-approved “drop, cover, and hold” technique.

Starting the Conversation with IEP and 504 Plan Teams

To ensure these safety measures are effectively implemented and meet the unique needs of each student, start the conversation with the IEP or 504 plan team by:

  • Requesting a Meeting: You can request a meeting with the IEP or 504 team through the child’s teacher, special education director, or district staff. Be sure to submit your request via email or hard copy letter to keep for your records. 
  • Requesting an Addendum: If the team has previously had discussions about an Emergency Action Plan or existing accommodations that could be used to support an Emergency Action Plan, you might want to ask for an addendum without a meeting to get these supports written into the IEP or 504 plan.

Developing a Tailored Emergency Action Plan

The IEP or 504 plan provides an ideal framework for incorporating the needs of students with disabilities into emergency planning. The teams can easily gather data about the student’s individual needs, consider the nature of the disabilities, and the potential implications for safety planning. Here’s a few things to consider:

  • Review the student’s medical files. Ensure that the child’s medical records are current and up to date. In an emergency situation, this medical history will be shared with first responders to ensure the child’s needs are met.
  • Review the current IEP or 504 plan. Take a look at the accommodations, modifications, and service minutes currently in place and see if they can supplement the Emergency Action Plan.
  • Write down effective supports. Note interventions and solution-driven supports that are most effective for the student. Share feedback from medical providers, therapists, and other caregivers about what the child will respond to best.

Emergency action plans should build upon the accommodations, modifications, and services already outlined in a student’s IEP or 504 plan. For example, if a student requires mobility support to access their seating accommodation in the classroom, this should be factored into the school’s shelter-in-place procedures. As should a student’s needs for sensory support, such as a fidget, comfort items, or sensory-suppressing device (i.e. headphones, weighted materials). Whether it’s running through drills or happening real-world, familiar and personal comfort items can aid our students in self-regulating as they navigate the established emergency procedures.

Students whose IEP or 504 plan include assistive technology may also need access to such devices during an emergency. If the student requires assistive technology to maintain their ability to communicate and receive instructions, this should be written into their Emergency Action Plan. Devices such as communication boards, speech-generating devices, or specialized software should be readily available and functional during drills and actual emergencies. During emergency planning, the team can identify language and terminology to add to devices for the student to communicate needs arising from the crisis. For example, emotions may be added to a communication board to enable a student to express themselves to the same degree as non-disabled students. Being able to communicate their feelings in that moment can boost their ability to self-regulate and adhere to established protocols.

All stakeholders—students, staff, community partners, and parents—need to be educated about the school’s emergency plan and the specific procedures for supporting students with disabilities. Regular drills and exercises involving community partners can help familiarize students with the plan and ensure a coordinated response. Recognizing that some students may become dysregulated by disruptions to their routines, communication is essential! The IEP or 504 plan may include notice of upcoming drills to allow the team to prepare the student, working within the accommodations or services written into the educational program. For example, speech therapy may include reviewing a social story about how to respond to a fire drill. Similarly, a student with complex healthcare needs may require additional support from the nurse to access medications during the drill, or a student with limited mobility may require assigned personnel to assist with getting into a shelter-in-place location.

Schools must communicate and collaborate with community partners, including first responders, to ensure the safety and well-being of students, especially those with disabilities. If the student has a new medical condition or there are changes in how to respond to a medical incident, it is crucial to inform the school team and update the school nurse’s records. This ensures that any information shared with first responders, with the parent or guardian’s signed permission, is accurate and tailored to the child’s needs during emergencies.

Final Thoughts

The safety and well-being of all students is paramount, regardless of developmental or physical challenges. By proactively addressing their unique needs and ensuring that emergency procedures are inclusive and comprehensive, schools can create a safer environment for all students. Collaboration among educators, parents, and community partners is key to developing and implementing these plans effectively. We can’t always predict life’s unpredictability, but we can certainly have plans in place for whatever presents itself. Start the process today by requesting a meeting with the IEP or 504 plan team to discuss an Emergency Action Plan.

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Early Intervention: How to Access Services for Children Birth to 3 in Washington

New parents often worry about their child’s growth and development, especially when comparing with other children. Early intervention can be crucial for children with developmental delays or disabilities. In Washington, families can connect with a Family Resource Coordinator (FRC) for guidance and access free developmental screenings. The Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) offers services through Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT), providing evaluations and individualized plans (IFSP) to support eligible children from birth to age three. These services, protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), are typically free and aim to help children thrive in various settings. 

A Brief Overview

  • PAVE provides downloadable toolkits specifically designed for parents and families of young children, including From Birth to Three Toolkit and Transition Toolkit for Ages 3-5
  • Families concerned about a child’s development can call the Family Health Hotline at 1-800-322-2588, with support in multiple languages. Parents can complete a free developmental screening online at Parent Help 123. 
  • Washington’s Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) administers family-focused services for eligible children from birth to age 3 through Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT). 
  • The Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), funded by Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, is a whole family plan developed with input from caregivers and professionals. It includes goals, services, and progress monitoring, and is reviewed regularly. 
  • To qualify, a parent must provide written permission for ESIT to conduct an early intervention evaluation of their child. If the evaluation results indicate that the child has a developmental delay or disability, ESIT will develop an IFSP. PAVE provides a Next Steps Checklist: When Your Child is Found Eligible for Early Intervention Services (EIS)
  • Early intervention services (EIS) are designed to meet the child’s individual needs, including various therapies and support services. Services are typically provided in the child’s home or other natural environments. 
  • Various dispute resolution options are available, including mediation and due process. Parents can contact their ESIT Family Resource Coordinator (FRC) if they have concerns or disagreements. 
  • Most early intervention services are provided at no cost to families. Some services may be billed to insurance with family consent, but certain services are always free under IDEA. 
  • Active-duty servicemembers whose dependents receive EIS must enroll in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) for their branch, or the Coast Guard’s Special Needs Program (SNP).  


New parents may struggle to know whether their child’s growth and development are on track. They may have a feeling that a milestone is missed, or they may observe siblings or other children learning and developing differently. Sometimes a parent just needs reassurance. Other times, a child has a developmental delay or a disability. In those cases, early interventions can be critical to a child’s lifelong learning. 

Seek guidance from a Family Resource Coordinator (FRC) 

Washington families concerned about a young child’s development can call the Family Health Hotline at 1-800-322-2588 (TTY 1.800.833.6384) to connect with a Family Resource Coordinator (FRC). Support is provided in English, Spanish and other languages. Families can access developmental screening online for free at HelpMeGrow Washington

Several state agencies collaborated to publish Early Learning and Development Guidelines. The booklet includes information about what children can do and learn at different stages of development, focused on birth through third grade. Families can purchase a hard copy of the guidelines from the State Department of Enterprise Services. A free downloadable version is available in English, Spanish, and Somali from DCYF’s Publication Library. Search by title: Washington State Early Learning and Development Guidelines, or publication number: EL_0015. 

Washington early intervention services are provided by ESIT 

In Washington, the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) administers services for eligible children from birth to age 3 through Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT). Families can contact ESIT directly, or they can reach out to their local school district to request an evaluation to determine eligibility and consider what support a child might need. The ESIT website includes videos to guide family caregivers and a collection of Parent Rights and Leadership resources, with multiple language options. 

Early intervention services (EIS) are provided in the child’s “natural environment,” which includes home and community settings where children would be participating if they did not have a disability. According to ESIT, “Early intervention services are designed to enable children birth to 3 with developmental delays or disabilities to be active and successful during the early childhood years and in the future in a variety of settings—in their homes, in childcare, in preschool or school programs, and in their communities.” 

Early services are delivered through an IFSP 

Children who qualify receive services through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). The right to an IFSP is protected by Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The IDEA is a federal grant program that provides funding for states to implement early learning and special education programs. Part B of the IDEA protects an eligible school-age student’s right to an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Part A includes general guidance about the educational rights of children 0-22. 

Family caregivers, childcare professionals, teachers, or anyone else can refer a child for an early learning evaluation if there is reason to suspect that a disability or developmental delay may be impacting the child’s growth and progress. The school district’s duty to seek out, evaluate and potentially serve infants, toddlers or school-aged students with known or suspected disabilities is guaranteed through the IDEA’s Child Find Mandate

First Step: Evaluate to determine eligibility 

Early intervention is intended for infants and toddlers who have a developmental delay or disability. Eligibility is determined by evaluating the child (with parental consent) to see if the little one does, in fact, have a delay in development or a disability. Eligible children can receive early intervention services from birth to the third birthday. PAVE provides an article that describes What Happens During an Early Intervention Evaluation, and a checklist for When Your Child is Found Eligible for Early Intervention Services (EIS)

Next Step: Develop a service plan 

If an infant or toddler is eligible, early intervention services are designed to meet the child’s individual needs. Options might include, but are not limited to:   

  • Assistive technology (devices a child might need) 
  • Audiology or hearing services 
  • Speech and language services 
  • Counseling and training for a family 
  • Medical services 
  • Nursing services 
  • Nutrition services 
  • Occupational therapy 
  • Physical therapy 
  • Psychological services 

Services are typically provided in the child’s home or other natural environment, such as daycare. They also can be offered in a medical hospital, a clinic, a school, or another community space.  

Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP): What is the plan? 

The IFSP is a whole family plan, with the child’s primary caregivers as major contributors to its development and implementation. Parents/custodial caregivers must provide written consent for services to begin. In Washington, Family Resource Coordinators (FRCs) help write the IFSP. Team members may include medical professionals, therapists, child development specialists, social workers, and others with knowledge of the child and recommendations to contribute.  

The IFSP includes goals, and progress is monitored to determine whether the plan is supporting appropriate outcomes. The plan is reviewed every six months and is updated at least once a year but can be reviewed at any time by request of parents or other team members. The IFSP includes: 

  • The child’s current developmental levels and needs in physical, cognitive, communication, social/emotional, and adaptive areas 
  • Family information: resources, priorities, and concerns of parents/caregivers. 
  • Major results/outcomes expected from the child and family 
  • Specific services: 
  • Where services are provided—any services provided outside the child’s “natural environment” of home/daycare/community require a statement explaining the rationale for the placement 
  • When the child receives services—the number of days or sessions for each service, and how long each session will last 
  • Who pays for the services 
  • Name and contact information for the Family Resource coordinator (FRC) responsible for IFSP implementation 
  • Steps to begin at age 2.5 to support the child’s transition out of early intervention and perhaps into school-based services. 
  • If relevant, additional services or information for the family—such as financial guidance or parenting support 

PAVE provides a downloadable checklist to help parents familiarize themselves with the IFSP.  

Dispute resolution options are available 

If parents have a concern or disagree with any part of the early intervention process, they can contact their Family Resource Coordinator (FRC). If issues remain unresolved, families may choose from a range of dispute resolution options that include mediation, due process, and more. ESIT provides access to a downloadable parent rights brochure with information about dispute resolution options in multiple languages. 

Most services are free to families 

Washington State provides most early intervention services at no cost to families of eligible children. Some services covered by insurance are billed to a child’s health insurance provider, with the signed consent of a family caregiver. The early intervention system may not use health care insurance (private or public) without express, written consent. 

Part C of the IDEA requires states to provide the following services at no cost to families: Child Find (outreach and evaluation), assessments, IFSP development and review, and service coordination. 

Early intervention services for military families 

Military-connected infants and toddlers receiving early intervention services must be enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) while their servicemember is on active-duty orders. The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory program for all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces that helps military dependents with special medical or educational needs. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Space Force each have an EFMP and the Coast Guard, which operates under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security, has a similar program called the Special Needs Program (SNP). 

The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA), funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education (OSEP), builds state and local capacity to improve outcomes for young children with disabilities and their families. Military-connected families and others relocating or living outside of Washington State can contact the early intervention services program in their new state with the help of ECTA’s Early Childhood Contacts by State directory

Military families moving from or to installations that have Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools will receive their early intervention services from Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS). Referrals may come to EDIS from any military medical provider or the parents. Upon receipt of a referral to EDIS, an initial service coordinator is assigned to contact and assist the Family. The initial service coordinator gathers information to understand the family’s concern, shares information about early intervention, and makes arrangements to proceed with the process. In EDIS, any member of the early intervention team can serve as an initial service coordinator. EDIS is provided in locations where DoDEA is responsible for educational services, including some installations on the eastern side of the United States.  

Learn More 

PAVE provides downloadable toolkits specifically designed for parents and families of young children: 

  • From Birth to Three Toolkit: This toolkit provides places to begin if caregivers suspect that a baby or young child may need services due to a developmental delay or disability. 
  • Transition Toolkit for Ages 3-5: This toolkit encompasses a collection of our informative articles, complemented by sample letters to provide you with a solid foundation as you navigate through this crucial transition period. 

For additional information: 

  • The Learn the Signs. Act Early. website provides tools for tracking milestones and materials for families to learn more and plan home-based activities that promote skill development. “Early intervention services can change a child’s developmental path and improve outcomes for children, families, and communities,” the CDC encourages. “Help your child, help your family! Families benefit from early intervention by being able to better meet their children’s needs from an early age and throughout their lives.” 
  • Check the PAVE calendar for trainings and events, including the Starting Strong webinar about how IDEA supports the rights of infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities and their families. 

Transitioning Rights and Accommodations from IDEA to ADA and 504

The table below outlines the transition from the protections and accommodations provided under an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to the rights and accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act as students with disabilities move into higher education or the workforce.

AspectIDEAADA & Section 504
PurposeTo provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment to students with disabilities.To prevent discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.
EligibilitySpecific categories of disabilities; requires assessment and determination of need for special education and related services.Broad definition of disability; any individual with a disability who meets general entry or eligibility criteria for education programs or jobs.
AccommodationsTailored educational services and modifications to curriculum and environment based on individual needs.Reasonable accommodations in educational settings and workplaces, without significant modification to essential functions or undue burden.
ProtectionsEnsures FAPE; includes specific procedural safeguards related to educational decisions.Protects against discrimination; ensures equal opportunity and access but does not guarantee success or outcome.
Transition to Higher Education and/or WorkTransition planning and services must start by age 16, focusing on moving from school to post-school activities.Individuals must self-disclose their disability and request accommodations; institutions may require documentation to support the need for accommodations.
Accommodations in Education after High SchoolIEP ends after high school; however, the documentation can be used as part of the evidence to establish disability and need for accommodations under ADA and Section 504.Students should gather their IEP documents, evaluations, and any other relevant information to present to disability services in higher education or HR/employer to request reasonable accommodations.
Transitional Rights and Accommodations from IDEA to ADA and 504

Transitioning from high school to higher education or the workforce is a significant step for students with disabilities. Understanding the differences between IEP protections and the rights under ADA and Section 504 can empower individuals to advocate for the accommodations and support they need to succeed in their next phase of life. Remember, self-advocacy and knowledge of your rights are key components of this transition.

Procedural Safeguards: Student and Parent Rights in Special Education

A Brief Overview:

  • Procedural safeguards are a legal requirement for schools and must be provided to parents once a year and during specific situations (e.g., initial referral, filing a complaint, change in placement due to disciplinary action).
  • The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) issued a statewide procedural safeguards notice, available for download in multiple languages, that outlines parental rights in special education.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that each state education agency provide ways to solve disagreements between parents and schools regarding a student’s special education.  Procedural safeguards provide information on the formal and informal dispute resolution options available in Washington state.
  • Specific protections are in place when disciplining students with disabilities, including requirements for conducting manifestation determinations and continuing education services during extended removals.
  • Section 504 includes its own procedural safeguards to protect the rights of students with disabilities who are not eligible for special education under IDEA. The Section 504 Notice of Parent Rights is available for download in multiple languages from OSPI.

Full Article

The Procedural Safeguards are a written set of legal protections under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) designed to ensure that students with special needs receive appropriate education. IDEA, implemented under Washington State law, requires schools to provide the parents/guardians of a student who is eligible for or referred for special education with a notice containing a full explanation of the rights available to them (WAC 392-172A-05015). Understanding these safeguards allows for effective advocacy in a child’s education and ensures their rights are protected throughout the special education process. They do not constitute legal representation or legal advice.

A copy of the procedural safeguards notice is downloadable in multiple languages from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). School districts must provide this notice once a year and during key times such as:

In addition to detailing when the procedural safeguards notice must be provided, the procedural safeguards contain information about several key areas, including:

Prior Written Notice

Schools must give prior written notice (PWN) before making any significant decisions about a student’s education, such as changes in identification, evaluation, or placement. This notice must include a detailed explanation of the decision and the reasons behind it. This document is shared after a decision is made and prior to changes in a student’s educational program.

Parental Consent

Schools must get written parental consent (permission) before conducting an initial evaluation or providing special education services for the first time. Parents can withdraw their consent at any time, but this doesn’t undo actions already taken. Once consent is given, the school has 35 school days to complete the evaluation. This consent is only for the evaluation, not for starting services. If the child is a ward of the state, consent might not be needed under certain conditions. When starting special education services under the initial IEP, the school must get consent again, and if refused, they can’t force it through mediation or legal action. Consent is also needed for reevaluations involving new tests, and schools must document their attempts to get it. However, consent isn’t needed to review existing data or give standard tests that all students take.

Independent Educational Evaluation

If a parent disagrees with the school’s evaluation of their child, they can ask for an independent educational evaluation (IEE) that the school district will pay for. The district must give the parent information on where to get an IEE and the rules it must follow. If the district does not agree to the IEE, they have 15 calendar days to either start a file a due process hearing request or agree to pay for the IEE. PAVE provides a downloadable sample Letter to Request an Independent Educational Evaluation.

Confidentiality of Information

Student educational records are confidential. IDEA provides parents and guardians the right to inspect and review their student’s educational records and request amendments if they believe they are inaccurate or misleading. When the child turns 18 years of age, these rights pass from the parent or guardian to the student. The Department of Education provides a website page called Protecting Student Privacy to share resources and technical assistance on topics related to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The procedural safeguards explain terms about educational records from IDEA and FERPA to help parents understand their rights and protections.

Dispute Resolution

IDEA requires that each state education agency provide ways to solve disagreements between parents and schools regarding a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). In Washington State, there are both informal and formal options. When parents and school districts are unable to work through disagreements, the procedural safeguards outline the dispute resolution processes available. These options ensure that parents and schools can work towards a mutually agreeable solution while protecting the child’s right to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).  The formal dispute resolution options available through OSPI are mediation, due process hearings, and state complaints.

Disciplinary Protections

When disciplining students eligible for special education, schools must follow specific rules to ensure fair treatment. If a student is removed for more than 10 consecutive school days or shows a pattern of removals totaling over 10 days in a school year, it’s considered a change of placement, and parents must be notified. After 10 days, the school must provide services to help the student continue their education. A manifestation determination must be conducted within 10 days to see if the behavior was related to the student’s disability. If it was, the IEP team must address the behavior and return the student to their original placement unless agreed otherwise. If not, the student can be disciplined like other students but must still receive educational services.

Also, schools must keep providing educational services to students with disabilities even if they are removed from their current school setting for disciplinary reasons. This helps the student keep making progress in their education. Parents and guardians have the right to join meetings about their child’s disciplinary actions and can ask for a due process hearing if they disagree with decisions. These safeguards ensure students with disabilities receive necessary support and fair treatment during disciplinary actions.

In special cases, such as carrying a weapon or using drugs at school, the student can be placed in an alternative setting for up to 45 days regardless of whether the behavior was related to the student’s disability.

Protections for Students Not Yet Eligible for Special Education

The procedural safeguards outline protections for students who have not yet been found eligible for special education but for whom the school should have known needed services. A school is considered to have this knowledge if a parent previously expressed concerns in writing, requested an evaluation, or if staff raised concerns about the student’s behavior to supervisory personnel. However, if the parent refused an evaluation or the child was evaluated and found ineligible, the school is not considered to have knowledge. In these cases, the student may be disciplined like other students, but if an evaluation is requested during this period, it must be expedited. If the student is found eligible, special education services must be provided.

Requirements for Placement in Private Schools

If parents believe the public school cannot provide FAPE and choose to place their child in a private school, there are steps to request reimbursement from the district. If the child previously received special education services, a court or administrative law judge (ALJ) may require the district to reimburse the cost of private school enrollment if it is determined that the district did not timely provide FAPE and that the private placement is appropriate, even if it does not meet state educational standards.

Reimbursement may be reduced or denied if the parent did not inform the IEP team of their rejection of the proposed placement during the most recent IEP meeting, failed to provide written notice to the district at least 10 business days before the removal, or did not make the child available for a district evaluation after prior written notice. However, reimbursement cannot be denied if the district prevented the notice or if the parent was unaware of their responsibility to provide it. The court or ALJ may also choose not to reduce reimbursement if the parents are not able to read or write in English, or if reducing or denying the reimbursement would cause serious emotional harm to the child.

This PAVE article, Navigating Special Education in Private School, explains the rights of students to receive equitable services in private schools, regardless of whether they are placed there by their parents or through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) decision.

Procedural Safeguards under Section 504

The procedural safeguards under Section 504 ensure that parents are informed of their rights before any evaluation or development of a 504 plan begins. These safeguards include the right to request a referral for evaluation, the formation of a 504 team to assess the student’s needs, and the requirement for parental consent before any evaluation or implementation of the plan. Parents must be provided with a copy of their rights at key points in the process. Additionally, the school must review and evaluate the 504 plan annually and re-evaluate the student’s eligibility at least every three years. Parents also have the right to file formal complaints if they believe the school is not following the 504 plan or if their child is experiencing discrimination or harassment. The Section 504 Notice of Parent Rights is available for download in multiple languages from OSPI.


Procedural safeguards are a requirement under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that ensure the rights of students with disabilities and their parents are protected throughout the special education process. By outlining the legal protections available, these safeguards empower parents to actively participate in their child’s educational planning and decision-making. Understanding these rights—from prior written notice and parental consent to confidentiality and dispute resolution—allows families to advocate effectively and collaborate with schools. Through adherence to these safeguards, schools and parents can work together to provide a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) tailored to the unique needs of each child.

Additional Resources:

  • OSPI’s Special Education webpage includes information about data collection, dispute resolution, funding information, guidance for families, legal procedures, program improvement initiatives, resource libraries, and support for secondary transition services.
  • Special Education Parent & Community Liaison provides non-legal support by phone (360-725-6075) or through an online message portal, Ask OSPI web page.
  • PAVE provides direct support to parents and guardians, youth with disabilities, adult self-advocates, and professionals. Complete the Get Help request form to be connected with individualized information, resources, and training.

IDEA: The Foundation of Special Education

A Brief Overview

  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that entitles children to special education services if disability significantly impacts access to education and a specially designed program is needed.
  • IDEA has been federal law since 1990, and key concepts are from the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, passed in 1975. PAVE provides an article and infographic about disability rights history.
  • A primary principle of the IDEA is the right to FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) for students eligible for special education services. FAPE rights are also protected by civil rights laws, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  • IDEA consists of four parts that ensure that individuals with disabilities receive support and education throughout their lives, from early childhood through adulthood.
  • To qualify for an IEP, a student meets criteria in one of the 14 eligibility categories (WAC 392-172A-01035), the disability must have a negative impact on their learning, and the student must require specially designed instruction (SDI) to benefit from the general education curriculum.

Full Article

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that was passed in 1990 and has been amended. The IDEA provides children with qualifying disabilities, from birth to age 21, with the right to services designed to meet their unique, individual needs.

Eligible children ages 3-21 who receive services at school have a right to FAPE: Free Appropriate Public Education. In accordance with the IDEA, FAPE is provided when individualized services enable a student with a disability to make progress that is appropriate, in light of their circumstances.

Services are delivered through an Individualized Education Program (IEP). A non-discriminatory evaluation and family participation on an IEP team are aspects of FAPE. Families have dispute resolution options that are described in the Procedural Safeguards.

IDEA requires FAPE to be provided in the Least Restrictive Environment to the maximum extent possible, which creates a responsibility for schools to serve students in the general education environment, with appropriately inclusive access to grade-level learning, whenever possible. Access to general education might be provided through an adapted curriculum, additional adult support, assistive technology, or something else. PAVE provides more information about Washington State’s work to improve inclusive practices.

Many of these concepts were part of IDEA’s predecessor law, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, passed in 1975. That was the first United States law that required schools to provide special education services to all children with eligible disabilities. PAVE provides an article and infographic about disability rights history. The IDEA’s primary features are further detailed later in this article.

The IDEA drives how states design their own special education policies and procedures. Title 34, Part 104 is the non-discrimination federal statute under the Office for Civil Rights Department of Education. In Washington State, rules for the provision of special education are in Chapter 392-172A of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC).

FAPE is an important acronym to learn!

Families often ask: What does the school have to provide? The answer to that question is FAPE. The school district is responsible to make sure a student with an eligible disability condition is receiving FAPE.

As part of their right to FAPE, a student eligible for an IEP has the right to an individualized services program that ensures their education is appropriate, equitable, and accessible. All of those terms are part of FAPE. Figuring out how to provide FAPE is the work of an IEP team, and part of FAPE is ensuring that family is part of the decision-making team.

FAPE must ensure that the student finds meaningful success, in light of their circumstances. Trivial progress on IEP goals or the same goals year after year does not meet the federal standard for FAPE. A lawsuit referred to as Endrew F was settled by the 2017 U.S. Supreme Court and included specific requirements for meaningful progress and parent participation.

If a neighborhood school cannot provide the services and programming to guarantee FAPE within the general education classroom, then the school district is responsible to work through the IEP process to design an individualized program and placement that does meet the student’s needs. Keep in mind that Special Education is a Service, Not a Place: see PAVE’s article with that statement as its title.

IDEA considers the whole life of a person with a disability

IDEA includes Parts A, B and C. The right of a child with disabilities to receive an education that prepares that child for adult life is stated in Part A: ​

“Disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of individuals to participate in or contribute to society…

“Improving educational results for children with disabilities is an essential element of our national policy of ensuring equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities.”

Part B of the IDEA covers children ages 3 through 21—or until graduation from high school. Students who receive services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) are covered under Part B.

Part C protects infants and toddlers, aged 0 (birth) to 3 years old, who need family support for early learning. ​The disability category of developmental delay overlaps early learning and IEP and can qualify a child for free, family-focused services to age 3 and school-based services through age 9. PAVE provides downloadable toolkits specifically designed for parents and families of young children:

  • From Birth to Three Toolkit: This toolkit provides places to begin if caregivers suspect that a baby or young child may need services due to a developmental delay or disability.
  • Transition Toolkit for Ages 3-5: This toolkit encompasses a collection of our informative articles, complemented by sample letters to provide you with a solid foundation as you navigate through this crucial transition period.

Part D outlines grants and funding for programs that help students with disabilities get a better education, including:

  • Teacher training programs to train teachers and school staff in Washington State on the best ways to teach students with disabilities.
  • Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) – a system that helps train school staff on how to support students’ academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs.
  • Parent Training and Information Centers help students with disabilities and their families understand their rights, navigate the special education process, and get involved in their children’s education. PAVE provides Parent Training and Information (PTI) to family caregivers, youth, and professionals in Washington state with questions about services for children and young people with disabilities, aged 0-26. In addition, Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) serve the same function as PTIs but are typically smaller and located in underserved communities, often addressing the needs of families from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds. CPRC, Open Doors for Multicultural Families serves multicultural families in South King County.
  • Educational technology funds can be used to buy or create technology that helps children with disabilities learn, so they have the same opportunities as other students.
  • Transition services help students with disabilities move from high school to adult life, like getting a job, going to college, or living independently.
  • Washington’s Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT), can use Part D funds to help research and expand services for young children with disabilities to get them ready for school.
IDEA: A, B, C, and D

Click to print the explanation of IDEA

Eligibility for school-based services

To qualify for an IEP, a student meets criteria in one of the 14 eligibility categories defined in WAC 392-172A-01035. The disability must have a negative impact on learning. Not every student who has a disability and receives an evaluation will qualify for an IEP. Following procedures described by the IDEA, school districts evaluate students to consider 3 key questions:

  1. Does the student have a disability?
  2. Does the disability adversely impact education?
  3. Does the student need Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)?

When each answer is yes, a student qualifies for services. In each area of identified need, Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) is recommended to help the student overcome the impact of the disability to access FAPE. Progress in that area of learning is tracked through goal-setting and progress monitoring.

Additional Information

PAVE provides training on a variety of topics, including live and on-demand, in person and online. Register for an upcoming training on the PAVE calendar.

When Parents and Schools Disagree: Navigating Special Education Disputes

A Brief Overview:

  • If parents win a due process hearing or civil lawsuit, the school district might have to pay their attorneys’ fees. Conversely, if the complaint is deemed frivolous, parents might have to pay the school district’s fees.
  • Protections are in place for children not yet identified as needing special education if disciplinary actions are taken.
  • Every school district has a process for filing complaints related to harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB).
  • Complaints about discrimination involving students with disabilities can be filed with OSPI or the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR will not handle cases already being addressed by another agency or school process unless the process is completed and the complaint is filed within 60 days.

Full Article

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that each state education agency provide ways to solve disagreements between parents and schools regarding a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). These options ensure that parents and schools can work towards a mutually agreeable solution while protecting the child’s right to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) offers both informal and formal dispute resolution processes.

These dispute resolution options provide structured processes for addressing and resolving disagreements, ensuring that the rights of students with special needs are upheld and that they receive the education and services to which they are entitled.

Informal Dispute Resolution

IEP facilitation is a voluntary and informal process where parents and school districts can address their special education concerns with the assistance of a trained, neutral facilitator. This process allows both parties to resolve issues collaboratively without the formality of mediation, and it is provided at no cost. OSPI contracts with Sound Options Group to offer free facilitation services from facilitators skilled in conflict resolution to help clarify disputes, set agendas, and work towards mutually agreeable solutions. Participation in facilitation is entirely optional for both families and districts.

The IEP facilitation process starts when either a family or a school district contacts the Sound Options Group to request help. A parent can request facilitation by contacting Sound Options Group directly by phone at 800-692-2540 or 206-842-2298 (Seattle) to request a mediation session. For Washington State relay service, dial 800-833-6388 (TDD) or 800-833-6384 (voice). Sound Options Group gathers initial information about the student and the needs of both parties, confirming that both the family and district agree to proceed with a facilitated IEP meeting. Once the IEP team sets a date for the 3–4-hour meeting, the facilitator is assigned. The facilitator helps everyone prepare by sharing documents, setting a mutually agreeable agenda, confirming the meeting details, and preparing both parties for the meeting. After the facilitated IEP meeting, a case worker from Sound Options Group and the facilitator review the session and decide if another meeting is needed. A successful facilitated IEP meeting will result in the development of an IEP that is tailored to meet the unique needs of the student.

Another option for informal dispute resolution is Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO), which helps parents and schools resolve disagreements about special education services. Acting as a neutral and independent guide, the OEO helps parents and educators understand special education regulations, facilitates problem-solving, and advises on communication strategies to support a team approach to a student’s education. The OEO does not provide legal advice, act as an attorney, conduct investigations, or advocate for any party. OEO can be contacted through their online intake form or by phone (1-866-297-2597) with language interpretation available.

Formal Dispute Resolution

When informal methods are unsuccessful, families and schools can turn to formal dispute resolution processes outlined in the procedural safeguards  and available through the special education system. A copy of the procedural safeguards notice for Washington is downloadable in multiple languages from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).

In Washington state, the formal dispute resolution options are:

1. Mediation

Mediation is a voluntary process provided at no cost to parents and schools. It is designed to resolve disputes related to the identification, evaluation, educational placement, and provision of FAPE. Both parties must agree to participate in mediation. Mediators are trained, impartial individuals knowledgeable about special education laws. OSPI contracts with Sound Options Group to provide trained, neutral mediators to facilitate effective communication and problem-solving between parents and school districts. This brochure, Mediation in Special Education, outlines the services provided by Sound Options Group. Discussions during mediation are confidential and cannot be used in due process hearings or civil proceedings. If an agreement is reached, it must be documented in writing and is legally binding. Parents can contact Sound Options Group directly to request mediation.

2. Special Education Complaint

Any individual or organization can file a special education complaint if they believe a school district or public agency has violated Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Complaints must be filed within one year of the alleged violation. OSPI investigates the complaint, gathering information from both the parent or guardian and the school district. OSPI then issues a written decision addressing the complaint and any corrective actions required within 60 days of receiving the complaint. PAVE has developed this training video, Procedural Safeguards: How to File a Special Education Complaint, that walks through OSPI’s community complaint form with a pretend scenario.

3. Due Process Hearing

A due process hearing is a formal meeting to resolve disputes about a child’s identification, evaluation, placement, or FAPE. Either parents or the school district can request this hearing, but they must do so within two years of the issue, unless there was misrepresentation or withheld information. The request for a due process hearing must be in writing, signed, and include:

  • the name, address, and contact information of the student (even if homeless)
  • the name of the student’s school
  • the school district responsible for the IEP
  • a description of the issue, the facts, and related events
  • your proposed resolution

The original request must be provided to the other party – the parent or guardian must send it to the superintendent of the student’s school district, and the school district must provide the original to the parent or the guardian of the student. In addition, a copy of the request must be sent to the Office of Administrative Hearings by mail (PO Box 42489, Olympia, WA 98504-2489), fax (206-587-5135), or email (oah.ospi@oah.wa.gov). The party asking for a due process hearing must have proof that they gave their request to the other party.

Before the hearing, the school district must meet with the parents and relevant IEP team members within 15 days to try to resolve the issue at a resolution session. OSPI provides a direct to download form, Information and Forms on Resolution Sessions. During the hearing, both sides present evidence and witnesses. Parents have the right to bring a lawyer, present evidence, and question witnesses. An administrative law judge (ALJ) makes a decision, which can be appealed in state or federal court. The decision is final unless it is appealed and the decision is overturned. If an agreement is reached before the hearing, it must be written down in a settlement agreement.

For disputes about disciplinary actions that change a student’s placement, expedited due process hearings are available. These hearings happen faster than regular ones to resolve urgent issues quickly.

Dispute Resolution Outside of Special Education

If parents disagree with the decision made in a due process hearing, they have the right to file a civil lawsuit in state or federal court. This must be done within a specific time period, often 90 days, after the due process hearing decision. The court will review the administrative record, hear additional evidence if necessary, and make a ruling (decision) in the case. The civil lawsuit is not a part of the special education dispute resolution process and there are additional costs associated. Please note that PAVE is not a legal services agency and cannot provide legal advice or representation. Washington State Office of Administrative Hearings has compiled this Legal Assistance List for Special Education Due Process Disputes.

If parents win a due process hearing or lawsuit, the school district might have to pay their attorneys’ fees. But if the court decides the complaint was frivolous or filed for the wrong reasons, parents might have to pay the school district’s attorneys’ fees.

Additional Considerations

If a child hasn’t been identified as needing special education but parents think they should be, there are protections if the child faces disciplinary actions. If the school knew the child might need special education services before the behavior happened, they must follow special education disciplinary procedures.

Every school district has a process for filing a formal complaint related to harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB). PAVE has compiled information and resources to address bullying in this article, Bullying at School: Resources and the Rights of Students with Special Needs.

Complaint Processes Related to Discrimination

OSPI’s Complaints and Concerns About Discrimination page states, “Each student must have equal access to public education without discrimination.” This page contains Discrimination Dispute Resolution Information Sheets that contain definitions of key terms, information about the role of district Civil Rights Compliance Coordinators, and instructions and requirements for filing different types of complaints, available for download in different languages. Anyone can file a complaint about discrimination involving students with disabilities in a Washington public school, which is prohibited by Washington law (RCW 28A.642.010). Formal discrimination complaints must be written, and the complaint must contain:

  • a description of the incident
  • why it is allegedly discriminatory
  • proposed corrective action the district or charter school can take

The formal discrimination complaint must be hand carried, mailed, faxed, or emailed to district superintendent, administrator of the charter school, or Civil Rights Coordinator. When a school district or charter school receives a complaint, it must investigate and respond within 30 days, unless an extension is agreed upon. The civil rights coordinator provides the complaint procedure and ensures a thorough investigation. If exceptional circumstances require more time, the school must notify the complainant in writing. The school can also resolve the complaint immediately if both parties agree. After the investigation, the school must respond in writing, summarizing the results, stating whether they complied with civil rights law, explaining appeal options, and detailing any corrective measures, which must be implemented within 30 days unless otherwise agreed.

Students with disabilities in public schools are also protected against discrimination by federal laws, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and IDEA. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) accept complaints with overlapping civil rights concerns, such as racism and disability discrimination. An OCR complaint must be filed within 180 calendar days of the alleged discrimination. If the school district’s dispute resolution process is already handling the case through a means like what OCR would provide, OCR will not take on the case. Once the school district’s process is completed, individuals have 60 days to file their complaint with OCR, which will then decide whether to accept the result from the other process. OCR provides step-by-step instructions for filing a discrimination complaint.

Some families are anxious about questioning actions taken by the school. Parents have protections under the law. The Office for Civil Rights maintains specific guidelines that prohibit retaliation against people who assert their rights through a complaint process. 

Additional Resources:

From Birth to Three Toolkit

Diverse faces of toddlers of all abilities

From Birth to Three Toolkit

A Guide to Washington Services for Infants and Toddlers (ages 0-3 with disabilities)

New parents have a lot to manage. Concern about whether a child’s growth and development are on track can be confusing. This toolkit provides places to begin if caregivers suspect that a baby or young child may need services due to a developmental delay or disability.

Presenting our newest resource –From Birth to Three Toolkit. This toolkit encompasses a collection of our informative articles, and serves as a guide to services for infants and toddlers (ages 0-3) with disabilities.

A user – friendly toolkit for families, Each section is detailed below:

Early Learning Articles:

Ages 3-5 Transition Toolkit

Cute preschoolers playing game on table.ai generative

Ages 3-5 Transition Toolkit

A Guide to Washington Services for 3-5 Year Olds with Disabilities

New parents have a lot to manage. Concern about whether a child’s growth and development are on track can be confusing. This toolkit provides places to begin if caregivers suspect that a baby or young child may need services due to a developmental delay or disability.

Presenting our newest resource – the 3-5 Transition Toolkit – A guide to Washington services for 3-5 year olds with disabilities. This toolkit encompasses a collection of our informative articles, complemented by sample letters to provide you with a solid foundation as you navigate through this crucial transition period.

Toolkit now available in Russian, Vietnamese and Spanish!

A user – friendly toolkit for families, Each section is detailed below:

Early Learning Articles:

Where to Begin When A Student Needs Help

Diverse friends taking big group selfie shot smiling at camera -Laughing young people standing outdoor and having fun - Cheerful students portrait outside school

Where to Begin When A Student Needs Help

A toolkit to guide you through the special education process in Washington State

When a student has unmet needs and may need new or different school-based services, figuring out what to do next can feel confusing or overwhelming. PAVE provides this toolkit to support families in taking initial, critical steps. These guidelines apply regardless of where school happens.

Presenting our newest resource – the Where To Begin When a Student Needs Help.  This user-friendly toolkit has been created to give you and your family the guidance you need when you are navigating the special education process in Washington State.

A user – friendly toolkit for families, Each section is detailed below:

Where to Start Articles:

Special Education Blueprint: The Six Principles of IDEA 

Navigating the education system can be challenging for students with special needs and their families. Fortunately, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides a robust framework to ensure that eligible students receive the support they need. IDEA is a federal law built on six key principles that guarantee specific rights and protections. 

The six principles of IDEA are: 

1. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) 

Students with disabilities have the right to a free and appropriate education (FAPE) tailored to their needs. This means they get special education services, accommodations, and modifications at no cost to their families. To better understand what FAPE entails, let’s break down its key components: 

  • Free: Education for children with disabilities is provided at no cost to parents, except for incidental fees like club memberships, which are the same as for general education students. 
  • Appropriate: Each child with a disability is entitled to an education tailored to their individual needs, including suitably challenging goals and supporting progress in the general education curriculum. Depending on the unique needs of the student, appropriate services may include transition services that continue through the school year in which the student turns 21 years of age. 
  • Public: Children with disabilities have the same right to attend public schools as their non-disabled peers. Public schools must accommodate their individual needs and help them plan for the future. 
  • Education: All children in the state between the ages of 5 and 18 are entitled to a public education. Eligible children with disabilities will receive a public education that includes special education and related services, preparing them for further education, employment, and independent living. 

2. Appropriate Evaluation 

IDEA requires schools to take a closer look at children with potential disabilities (Child Find Mandate). Before a student can receive special education services, an appropriate evaluation must be conducted. This comprehensive assessment is designed to identify the child’s specific educational needs. The evaluation must be free of bias, use multiple methods of assessment, and be conducted by a team of qualified professionals. Parents and guardians have the right to be involved in this process. The results provide information that the school and parents use to make decisions about how the child’s education can be improved. 

The school follows specific deadlines for an evaluation process. They have 25 school days to respond to the referral in writing. If they proceed with the evaluation, they have 35 school days to complete the assessment. 

3. Individualized Education Program (IEP) 

The IEP is a critical component of IDEA. The IEP is developed collaboratively by a team that includes the student, parent(s) or guardian(s), teachers, school administrators, and other specialists. The program is reviewed at least once a year. Every student on an IEP gets some extra help from teachers, but the rest of the program depends on what a student needs to learn. Areas of need may be academic, social and emotional skills, and/or general life skills.  

Washington State requires schools to start IEP services within 30 calendar days of the eligibility finding. That means school staff generally start drafting the IEP right after the school and family meet to talk about the evaluation and the student’s eligibility. A family member can ask to extend the 30-day deadline, but schools cannot delay the process without parental consent. 

4. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) 

IDEA emphasizes that children should be educated alongside their non-disabled peers “to the maximum extent appropriate.” This principle ensures that children with disabilities have access to the same educational opportunities as their peers. General education classrooms and school spaces are the least restrictive. If the school has provided extra help in the classroom but the special education student still struggles to access FAPE, then the IEP team considers other options. The school explains placement and LRE in writing on the IEP document.  

5. Parent and Student Participation 

The IDEA and state regulations about IEP team membership make it clear that parents or legal guardians are equal partners with school staff in making decisions about their student’s education. This includes participation in IEP meetings, access to educational records, and the ability to provide input on educational goals and services. As a child matures, they are also encouraged to participate in the decision-making process, promoting self-advocacy and independence.  When the student turns 18, educational decision-making is given to the student. The school does its best to bring parents and students into the meetings, and there are specific rules about how the school provides written records and meeting notices (WAC 392-172A-03100). 

6. Procedural Safeguards 

Procedural safeguards are designed to protect parent and student rights by ensuring that they receive a written explanation of their rights at the time of referral for special educational evaluation and every year after. When parents and schools disagree, these rights describe the actions a parent can take informally or formally. 

A copy of the procedural safeguards is downloadable in multiple languages from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the guidance agency for Washington schools. Parents may receive procedural safeguards from the school any time they request them. They also may receive a copy if they file a complaint with the state. Procedural safeguards are offered when a school removes a student for more than 10 days in a school year through exclusionary discipline.  

Learn more about IDEA 

IDEA ensures that individuals with disabilities receive support and education throughout their lives, from early childhood through adulthood.  It drives how states design their own special education policies and procedures. In Washington State, rules for the provision of special education are in Chapter 392-172A of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). 

PAVE provides training on a variety of topics, including IDEA. Trainings are live and on-demand, in person and online. Register for an upcoming training on the PAVE calendar

Additional Information: 

Starting School: When and How to Enroll a Student in School

A Brief Overview

  • Compulsory attendance begins at 8 years of age and continues until the age of 18 unless the student qualifies for certain exceptions.
  • Infants and toddlers receiving early intervention services may be eligible to start preschool as early as 3 years old to continue receiving specialized instruction and related services.
  • A student aged 4 years old by August 31 may be screened for Transition to Kindergarten (TK), a state program designed for students who need additional support to be successful in kindergarten the following year.
  • A child must have turned 5 years old by August 31 to enroll in kindergarten, and 6 years old to enroll in first grade.
  • When registering your student for school, contact the school to find out what documents are required in addition to those listed in this article.
  • Students with a condition that may require medication or treatment

Full Article

If your child has never enrolled in school, back to school season can be a confusing time. This article answers frequently asked questions about school entrance age, compulsory education, and the enrollment process.  Note that “enrollment” and “registration” are used interchangeably regarding the steps leading up to a student starting school and within the OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction) website.

At what age are children required to attend school?

Federal law protects the rights of children and youth to receive a publicly funded education. This is called compulsory education, or compulsory attendance. The age at which a child must begin school varies by state. In Washington state, children must begin attending school full-time at the age of 8 and continue attending regularly until the age of 18 (RCW 28A.225.010).

There are some exceptions to compulsory attendance, including if a child is –

  • enrolled in a private school, extension program, or residential school operated by the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) or the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF).
  • enrolled in home-based instruction that meets State supervision requirements.
  • excused by the school district superintendent for physical or mental incapacity.
  • incarcerated in an adult correctional facility.
  • temporarily excused upon the request of the parents when the excused absences meet additional requirements under Washington state law (RCW 28A.225.010).

Compulsory attendance is required in Washington until the age of 18, unless the student is 16 years or older and meets additional criteria for emancipation, graduation, or certification (RCW 28A.225.010).

At what age can a student begin attending school?

Students with special needs or disabilities may qualify for early education programs. An infant or toddler with a disability or developmental delay receiving early intervention services may be eligible to start preschool between the ages of 3-5 to continue receiving specialized instruction and related services through the public school district until they reach the minimum enrollment age for kindergarten. Washington’s Transition to Kindergarten (TK) program screens 4-year-olds with a birthday by August 31st to identify those in need of additional preparation to be successful in kindergarten.

Parents may choose to enroll a child in kindergarten at 5 years old, if the birthday occurred before August 31st of the same year, but kindergarten is not required under compulsory education. Similarly, a child must be 6 years of age to enroll in first grade.

Families have the right to choose whether to enroll their students in school until the child turns 8 years old and compulsory attendance applies.

How do I enroll my student in school?

If this is the first time your child will attend this school, call the school and ask what you must bring with you to enroll your child and the best time to go to the school for enrollment. Consider that things will be busiest right before the school day starts, during lunch breaks, and as school is ending. Also find out if there is an on-site school nurse and the best time to reach that person.

A parent or legal guardian must go with the student to the school for registration with the required information and documents. According to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)’s Learning by Choice Guide, most schools require the following at a minimum:

  • Proof of age (e.g., birth certificate or passport).
  • Health history, including name, address, and phone number of child’s doctor and dentist.
  • Proof of residency (e.g., utility bill, tax statement).
  • Parent or guardian’s telephone numbers.
  • Child’s immunization records.

If your child has attended another school, also provide:

  • Withdrawal form or report card from the last school attended.
  • Expulsion statement.

Enrollment for Military-Connected Students

A Washington law passed in 2019 (HB 1210-S.SL, School Enrollment-Nonresident Children from Military Families) allows advance enrollment of children of active-duty service members with official military orders transferring or pending transfer into the state. This means that qualifying children must be conditionally enrolled in a specific school and program and registered for courses. The parent must provide proof of residence within fourteen days of the arrival date listed in the military orders before the school will finalize the enrollment. The address on the proof of residency may be a temporary on-base detailing facility; a purchased or leased residence, or a signed purchase and sale or lease agreement; or military housing, including privatized and off-base housing. The child will be conditionally enrolled and registered for courses.

Schools are responsible for the health and safety of students during all school-related activities. If a student has a condition that may require medication or treatment while at school, Washington state law (RCW 28A.210.320 and WAC 392-380) requires additional steps before the student may begin attending school. The parent or guardian must:

  1. Provide the school with a written prescription and/or treatment plan from a licensed health care provider,
  2. Provide the prescribed medication and/or equipment outlined in the treatment plan, and
  3. Create an Individualized Healthcare Plan with the school nurse.

Schools may develop their own forms, so contact your child’s intended school to get the correct forms and provide complete, accurate information.

Download How to Enroll a Student in School Handout

How to Enroll a Student in School Checklist To download the fillable form and get access to the clickable links, download the PDF

Additional Considerations for Military-Connected Students

Children with parents in the uniformed services may be covered by the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children, also known as MIC3, was created with the hope that students will not lose academic time during military-related relocation, obtain an appropriate placement, and be able to graduate on time. MIC3 provides uniform policy guidance for how public schools address common challenges military-connected students experience when relocating, including several issues related to enrollment. Learn more about how to resolve Compact-related issues with this MIC3 Step-by-Step Checklist.

Families who are new to Washington can learn more about navigating special education and related services in this article, Help for Military Families: Tips to Navigate Special Education Process in Washington State.

Additional Information

Steps to Read, Understand, and Develop an Initial IEP

A Brief Overview

  • A first-time IEP document is a lot to absorb. This article provides tips to help family members read through a draft IEP and prepare to participate on the IEP team that finalizes the Individualized Education Program before services begin.
  • Remember, the school’s first version is a DRAFT, and family members of the IEP team have the right to participate in program development.
  • Under state and federal law, parents have the right to information about their child’s education—including IEPs—in a language they can understand. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) provides guidance about language-access rights in multiple languages.
  • Parents or guardians can request a specific method for regularly checking in with school staff.  A weekly or bi-weekly email is common, or parents can arrange to get something in the backpack, a phone call, a text…. Ask for what works and be sure the agreement is included in the Prior Written Notice (PWN), a formal letter sent to parents after meetings and before (prior to…) implementation of services.
  • Services are ongoing unless a parent officially signs a document to revoke services or if a new educational evaluation finds that the student is no longer eligible.

Full Article

After a student is determined eligible for an Individualized Education Program (IEP), the process of building the IEP can feel intimidating. This article provides tips to help family members read through a draft IEP and prepare to participate on the IEP team that will finalize the program before services begin. The process is the same regardless of the age of the student. IEPs can support students ages 3-21, in preschool through high school graduation or aging out at 21.

Washington State requires schools to start IEP services within 30 calendar days of the eligibility finding. That means school staff generally start drafting the IEP right after the school and family meet to talk about the evaluation and the student’s eligibility. A family member can ask to extend the 30-day deadline, but schools cannot delay the process without parental consent.

Tip: If the school wants to have a meeting to discuss eligibility and IEP development all at once, parents can request a two-meeting process instead to have time to digest the information and fully participate in decision-making.

What is the student’s eligibility category?

Take note of the eligibility category that entitles the student to an IEP. This category is decided during the evaluation review meeting. Sometimes more than one of 14 possible categories applies, and the IEP team chooses the category that seems the best fit.

Once chosen, the category is less important than the services that are needed for a student to access meaningful learning. Parents may want to be aware of implicit biases associated with certain eligibility categories and ensure that school staff are talking about the whole child and not using labels to fit children into pre-built programs. For example, there’s no such thing as a “Behavior IEP” or an “Academic IEP.” Individual children have programs built to meet their needs, based on evaluations that highlight their strengths as well as deficits. Read on for information about the rights of children with disabilities to be served as general education students first—in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

The eligibility category is listed on the “Cover Page” of the IEP document, near the name, birth date, and other personal details about the student. PAVE provides an article, Evaluations Part 1, that describes the evaluation process and includes a list of 14 eligibility categories that apply in Washington State.

Know what’s in the IEP before you meet

The IEP document is a lot to absorb, and family members are more prepared to support their child when they review the IEP draft before meeting with the IEP team for the first time. The document may be 10-20 pages long (or longer), but don’t be intimidated! A child’s education is worth taking time to read for understanding.

Be sure to ask for a copy of the IEP draft with enough time to look it over before the meeting. Some IEPs have only a few services and goals while others are quite complex. The amount of time a family needs for review also might depend on whether the document is translated into a language besides English.

Under state and federal law, parents have the right to information about their child’s education in a language they can understand. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) provides guidance about language-access rights in multiple languages.

Below are suggestions for looking through the IEP to prepare for a meeting. Use this list like a map guiding you through the IEP document.

Start with the Service Matrix

The Service Matrix is about halfway through the IEP and looks like a chart/grid. These are the suggested services. Remember, the school’s first version is a DRAFT IEP, and family members of the IEP team have the right to participate in program development.

  • The services are how a student receives Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) in each area where the student has significant deficits that make them eligible for special education.
  • Notice how many minutes are being offered to support learning in each area of SDI. The SDI supports at least one goal for each subject area, so consider whether there’s enough time for the learning that will support progress (read on for more about goals).
  • The Service Matrix includes Related/Ancillary Services if the student is eligible for them. These are therapeutic services, such as occupational, physical, or speech therapy. Mental health counseling and parent training (for example, to learn behavioral strategies) may be listed as Related Services.
  • Sometimes Related Services are offered through “consultation,” meaning that a specialist will make recommendations to school staff but won’t work directly with the student. Notice how services are listed and whether you agree that they will meet the student’s needs.
  • If a child will transition to a different level of school within the year, there may be two grids. One grid is for the rest of the current year, and the other grid is for the next academic year at the new school. Service minutes are often slightly different for elementary, middle, and high school.
  • Consider whether the IEP team will schedule a “transition conference” to talk about the switch to a new level of school and how services might change.
  • The grid includes a location for each service. Notice whether the student is going to be pulled out of class to receive a service or whether the services will be “pushed in” to a general education classroom.
  • Make note of any questions or concerns about the Service Matrix that you want to include in your agenda for the IEP meeting.

Refer to the Present Levels statements

The Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLOP for short) are within the first few pages of the IEP. This is the part of the IEP with the most room for paragraphs about what’s going on. These statements come mostly from evaluation, and parents, teachers, and service providers may contribute language and information to enhance them. This section of the IEP explains why the student needs services.

  • Consider whether the Service Matrix adequately addresses the needs identified in the Present Levels.  
  • Goals are described within the Present Levels and again in another section of the IEP that is just for goal setting. Make sure nothing is left out and that language is consistent throughout the IEP.
  • Read the goals carefully. The Present Levels statements provide a “baseline,” to show where a student starts before new learning begins.
  • Are the goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound)?
  • In particular, is each goal Achievable with the instructional time offered through the Service Matrix?
  • Are any goals too easy?
  • Students with IEPs are entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). FAPE includes the right to an IEP that is reasonably calculated to enable progress appropriate in light of the child’s circumstances. Are the goals set at the right level to support meaningful progress?
  • Parents can suggest changes to the goals at the IEP meeting.
  • Parents can ask what teaching strategy (SDI) will help the student reach the annual goals. Here’s a way to ask: “Can you help me understand HOW you will be teaching my child, so I can use similar words and strategies when I’m helping my child learn?”
  • A general description of the teaching strategy can be incorporated into the Present Levels statements.
  • PAVE provides an article with more tips about goal setting.
  • Write down questions and concerns about Present Levels or Goals for the team meeting.

Compare Service Matrix and LRE statement

The Present Levels, Goals, and Service Matrix are the heart of a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). After reading through these sections,notice if any of the student’s services are listed as “concurrent,” which means they are provided within general education (push in). Notice also which services are being offered in a separate (pull out) classroom. Then keep going in the IEP document to find a statement about the student’s Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

  • A student is entitled to FAPE in the Least Restrictive Environment to the maximum extent appropriate.
  • Consider whether the IEP team has adequately considered that special education is a service, not a place.
  • Are there additional creative ways to consider how services might be “push in” instead of “pull out” to support more inclusion, if appropriate, to meet the student’s needs?
  • The LRE page includes a grid to mark what was considered and chosen as a range/percentage of time that a student will spend in special education versus general education.
  • Consider whether you agree with the LRE determination and note any concerns for the IEP team to discuss.

Read the list of accommodations.

Accommodations are designed to enable a student with a disability to access learning in ways that are equitable. Equity doesn’t mean equal. Equity exists when a student gets support (like a wheelchair ramp, toileting plan, earphones, or a break-space option) to access what typically developing classmates can access without support.

  • Consider how the accommodations will look and feel to the student. Will the student be able to understand and self-advocate for them, or will the student need more coaching from teachers for the supports to be meaningful?
  • If possible, collect student input or ensure the student can attend the IEP meeting to participate in discussion about their supports and services.
  • Are the supports individualized and thoughtful or pulled from a pre-built list? Be sure they address needs identified through evaluation and by the student, family, and other people who truly know this student.
  • A student does not need to be “eligible” for an accommodation. There simply needs to be demonstrated impact on a “major life activity.” See PAVE’s article about Section 504.
  • The accommodations section of an IEP or a Section 504 Plan can travel with a student into higher education, vocational education, or work.
  • Is there anything the student needs that is missing? The Present Levels section at the front of the IEP might provide insight.
  • “Teacher check for understanding” is a common school accommodation. Parents may want to ask how the teacher will develop a system for doing that.
  • Parents can ask how the school will share the list of accommodations with all relevant staff. For example, does a bus driver, school nurse, or lunch server need to read this list? Would it be reasonable for the student to hand-carry a handout version?
  • If the student will transition into a new level of school within the year, consider how to discuss the accommodations with the new teaching team next term.
  • Notice if there are any “modifications,” which would include changes to the expectations—such as doing a shorter assignment or showing work in an alternative format. Does anything need to be added?
  • Make note of any concerns related to accommodations or modifications and plan to share those with the IEP team.

Accommodations for state testing

Note any concerns about how a child will be accommodated on standardized tests. Students with IEPs may be allowed extra time, an alternative place or time to take the tests, or something else. Try to imagine the experience of testing from the student’s perspective and consider how accommodations will enable the student to demonstrate knowledge.

Communication and Prior Written Notice (PWN)

Parents can request a specific method for regularly checking in with school staff.  A weekly or bi-weekly email is common, or parents can arrange to get something in the backpack, a phone call, a text…. Ask for what works. At the IEP team meeting, the group can agree on a communication strategy.

A communication agreement is formally written into the Prior Written Notice (PWN), which the school sends to parents after the IEP meeting.

A parent can request further changes to the IEP and note any disagreements by submitting a note to attach to the PWN, which becomes part of the formal IEP document. The PWN includes detail about what the IEP team has agreed to implement and when services are scheduled to begin.

Sign Consent for services to begin

Once the team agrees on a final version of the IEP, a parent must sign consent for services to begin. From that point on, families have the right to request an IEP team meeting any time there are concerns about progress or services. The IEP team is required to meet at least once a year. At meetings, family participants sign to show their participation and attendance.

Services are ongoing unless a parent officially signs a document to revoke services or if a new evaluation finds that the student is no longer eligible. A new evaluation is required at least every three years to determine ongoing eligibility and any necessary changes to the student’s program. A parent who disagrees with a school district evaluation can request an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) at district expense. See PAVE’s article: Evaluations Part 2.

Student Rights, IEP, Section 504 and More

Getting the right help for students with disabilities is made easier when families learn key vocabulary and understand how to use it. PAVE provides videos to support learning about student rights and how to work with the school to get individualized support.

Video number 1: Pyramid of Rights Protections for Students With Disabilities

The first video provides a visual to help—a pyramid of student rights. Learn about special education rights, civil rights, and general education rights. Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are protected by the full pyramid of rights. Students with IEPs and Section 504 Plans have civil rights that protect their right to be accommodated and supported at school. All children in the United States have the right to access a free public education. Learn key terms from these rights: Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), equity, and access, and how to use those words to help a student get their needs met.

Here are resource links referenced in the video:

The video mentions that a civil rights complaint can be filed at the local, state, or federal level and may include elements of more than one civil rights protected area, such as disability discrimination, racism, and/or sexual discrimination. Here are resources with more information about civil rights complaint options and how to access forms:

  • Local: OSPI maintains a list of school officials responsible for upholding student civil rights. Families can reach out to those personnel to request a complaint form for filing a civil rights complaint within their district.
  • State: OSPI provides a website page with direct links to step-by-step instructions for filing a civil rights complaint with the state Equity and Civil Rights Office, or the Human Rights Commission.
  • Federal: The U.S. Department of Education provides guidance about filing a federal complaint. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is another option for dispute resolution related to civil rights.

The video provides information about some special education dispute resolution options. Here are related resources:

The Youth Education Law Collaborative offers some free legal assistance on topics related to educational equity, with a priority for students and their families who demonstrate financial need. They can be reached by telephone at 1-206-707-0877 or 1-844-435-7676.

Video number 2: Accommodations and Modifications

Our second video shares more detail about the rights of students under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Key to protecting those rights is the accommodations, modifications, and supports that enable a student with a disability to access what typically developing students can access without support. Non-discriminatory practices related to bullying, student discipline, and attendance are protected rights. Click on the video to learn more about what the right to equity means.

Here are resource links related to this video:

PAVE article: Section 504: A Plan for Equity, Access and Accommodations

Video number 3: IEP Goal Setting

Our third video provides more detail about the rights of a student with an IEP. A three-step process is provided to help family caregivers make sure a student’s IEP goals are supporting the right help in the right way. Learn about Present Levels of Performance (PLOP), Specially Designed Instruction (SDI), and SMART goals to become a well-trained partner in the IEP team process. PAVE provides a fillable worksheet to assist parents in developing suggestions to share with the IEP team.

To get help from PAVE’s Parent Training and Information staff, click Get Help to complete an online Help Request Form.

We’d love to know whether these trainings are helpful. Please share your feedback by completing a short survey.

For more trainings and events, check out your options on the PAVE Calendar.

IEP Tips: Evaluation, Present Levels, SMART goals

Getting services at school starts with evaluation. Eligible students get an individualized Education Program (IEP), which describes a student’s present levels of performance and how specially designed instruction supports progress toward annual goals.

This article provides a quick overview of the basic IEP process and provides tips for family caregivers to get more involved. PAVE offers a fillable worksheet to assist parents in developing suggestions to share with the IEP team.

Step 1: Evaluate

To determine eligibility for special education, the school district collects data to answer 3 primary questions:

  1. Does the student have a disability?
  2. Does the disability adversely impact education?
  3. Does the student need Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)?

If the answer to all three questions is ‘Yes’, the student qualifies for an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

If the answer to any of the three questions is ‘No’, the student may be eligible for support through a Section 504 Plan.

TIP: Does the data being collected capture information in all areas of concern? District special education staff can provide input if more specialized evaluation tools are needed.

Step 2: Write the Present Levels of Performance (PLOP)

(Also referred to Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP)

When an IEP is drafted, information from the evaluation transfers to the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLOP for short). Students, family members, and outside providers may contribute additional information. There are required elements, depending on age:

  • Preschool: how disability affects participation in appropriate activities within the natural environment​
  • School-age: how disability affects involvement and progress in general education​

​​TIP: Does the PLOP list talents and skills to encourage a strength-based IEP? This section of the IEP can describe how teaching strategies support a student and create opportunities for progress toward goals.

Step 3: Write Goals to Measure Effectiveness of Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)

Goals are written for each area of SDI that a student is eligible to receive. Remember that the 3-part evaluation determines whether SDI is needed. Evaluation, PLOP, and goals are tied to the same data points.

TIP: Here are some questions to consider when reading/writing goals with the IEP team:

  • Are a student’s natural talents and curiosity described and appreciated as part of goal setting?
  • What is the SDI to support the goal, and why is it a good approach or strategy for this learner?
  • Are goals providing opportunity for appropriate progress, given the child’s circumstances?
  • Do the goals properly address the concerns revealed through evaluation and explained in the PLOP?
  • Can the students use their own words to describe IEP goals and how they are making progress? Student goal-tracking worksheets are readily available online.
  • Is the goal SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound?

Grid for Goal Development

In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), an IEP goal is reasonably calculated to enable a child to make progress appropriately, in light of the child’s circumstances. Parents/students have the right to participate in goal setting and progress monitoring.

These points can be used to design a grid to outline goal setting and to note whether written goals are SMART. A downloadable PDF shows these points in a grid format. A family participant on an IEP team can draft rewritten or proposed goals for the IEP team to consider. Submitting those suggestions to IEP team members before a meeting might help ensure that a parent’s suggestions are a critical part of the agenda.

  • Challenge: Identify the learning barrier/issue.
  • Skill: What needs to be learned?
  • SDI (Specially Designed Instruction): What is the teaching strategy?
  • SMART Goal: Yes/No? Use the following questions to determine whether the goals need improving.

Review whether IEP Goals are SMART:

  • Specific: Is the targeted skill clearly named or described? How will it be taught?
  • Measurable: How will progress toward the goal be observed or measured?
  • Achievable: Is a goal toward this skill realistic for the student, considering current abilities?
  • Relevant: Is the skill something that is useful and necessary for the student’s success in school and life?
  • Time-Bound: What specific date is set to determine whether the goal is met?

Learn more about SMART Goals in this short video:

Differences Between Part B and Part C Services

The Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) ends when a child turns 3. Transitioning to a services under an Individualized Education Program (IEP) requires a new evaluation and is a team-led process. Let this handout serve as your cheat sheet for the differences between the IFSP and IEP.

Individualized Family Service Plan
Individualized Education Program
Ages: Birth (0) to 3 years old
Governed by: Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA), Part C
Also known as early intervention services (EIS)
Ages: 3-21 years old
Governed by: Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA), Part B
Also known as special education services
Eligibility CriteriaEligibility Criteria
Division 125% or 1.5 SD (Standard Deviation) below the
mean in one or more of the following areas of

1. Cognitive
2. Physical (fine or gross motor)
3. Communication (receptive or expressive language)
4. Social or Emotional
5. Adaptive

or –
Diagnosed physical or medical condition that
has a high probability of resulting in delay, such
as but not limited to:

Chromosomal abnormalities
Genetic or congenital disorders
Sensory impairments
Inborn errors of metabolism
Disorders reflecting disturbance of the
development of the nervous system
Congenital infections
Severe attachment disorders
Disorders secondary to exposure to toxic
substances, including fetal alcohol
2 SD (Standard Deviation ) below the mean in
one or more areas of development
or –
1.5 SD below the mean in two or more areas of
meaning –

Has one or more of the following disabilities

1. Developmental Delay (ages 3-8)
Upon his/her 8th birthday, your child must
be eligible under a different category
2. Specific Learning Disability
3. Intellectual Disability
4. Autism
5 Hearing Impairment
6. Emotional Disturbance
7. Deaf-blindness
8. Multiple Disabilities
9. Orthopedic Impairment
10. Other Health Impairment
11. Deafness
12. Speech/Language Impairment
13. Traumatic Brain Injury

and –
The disability/disabilities adversely affect
his/her educational performance
and –
His/her unique needs cannot be addressed
through education in general education classes
alone, with or without individual
accommodations, and require specially
designed instruction (SDI)
Administered by: Early Support for Infants and ToddlersAdministered by: Washington Office of
Superintendent of Special Instruction (OSPI)
Focus Subject of ServicesFocus Subject of Services
The IFSP outlines the family’s needs in
supporting the child’s developmental progress.
During the first three years of development,
the child’s needs are closely related to the
needs of the family. Recognizing parents as
major contributors in development, the IFSP
builds upon the individual strengths of the
family to address the needs of the child.
The IEP is a comprehensive plan for school-age
children, addressing their educational needs
and academic goals. The IEP specifies the
special education services, goals, and
accommodations necessary for the child’s
education. Goals are typically related to
academic, functional, and behavioral areas.
Location of ServicesLocation of Services
Infants and toddlers usually spend their days
at home or in childcare settings. These are
their “natural environment”. By receiving their
IFSP services in the natural environment, the
family learns to use natural learning
opportunities (like playtime, meals, or baths) to
create countless opportunities for the child to
practice and develop delayed skills. It also
includes the family’s social and cultural
networks, promoting full participation in
community life.
At age 3, a child becomes eligible for special
education and related services. They may
receive services through a preschool, center based and family
childcare center, Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program
, or Transitional Kindergarten. IEP
services must be provided in the “least
restrictive environment”, meaning that the
child should be with typically developing peers
(those without disabilities) as much as the team
agrees is appropriate for the child.
Frequency of Review and Re-EvaluationFrequency of Review and Re-Evaluation
The IFSP has two different types of reviews:

The periodic review occurs at least every six
months, or more frequently if necessary for
the child’s condition. During the review,
the team discusses progress toward family
outcomes (goals), any new assessment
information, and whether the IFSP needs to
be changed or updated.

At the annual meeting, the team will update
the present levels of development, develop
new outcomes bearing in mind the family’s
priorities, and consider services that will be
needed and provided moving forward.
The IEP must be reviewed, at a minimum,
yearly. This annual review allows the IEP team
to assess the student’s progress, make any
necessary adjustments to goals and services,
and ensure that the IEP continues to meet the
student’s needs.
Every three years, a reevaluation is conducted
if deemed necessary. This reevaluation can
help determine if the student’s disability and
needs have changed and if the services and
goals in the IEP need modification.
*Parents may request an IEP meeting at any

This article can be found as pages 5 and 6 of the 3-5 Transition Toolkit